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Our Club Rules

The rules of the Club have been amended over a number of years. This, latest, edition of the rules of the Club brings the Rule Book up to date by
including all the amendments made since the last edition was released to members. The rules have also been rearranged into more a coherent form, as shown below.

  1. The name of the club shall be CITY OF ARMAGH RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB (hereinafter referred to as “the Club”,) and will also be known as City of Armagh Rugby Football Club for branding, marketing and sponsorship purposes.

  2. The object of The Club shall be to provide and maintain playing fields, clubhouse, club facilities and other necessary resource, to promote and encourage the playing of Rugby Union Football and other sports and pastimes as may be deemed appropriate by the general committee, and generally to provide facilities for recreational and social usage by and among its members.

  3. The club colours shall be red and black in any combination deemed appropriate by the General Committee.

  4. The property of The Club will be vested in the trustees appointed by the General Committee. Said trustees will hold office for four years or until death, resignation or removed from office by either General Committee or General Meeting, then if required another set of Trustees be appointed at the end of the four years. The number of Trustees will be not less than 3 or more than 7 and they will be indemnified against risk and expense out of club property.

  5. The club will not be dissolved unless the consent of two thirds of the members to be testified by their signatures requesting the winding up of the club.

  6. Upon dissolution of the club any remaining assets shall be given or transferred to another registered CASC, a registered charity or the sport's governing body for the use by them in related community sports.
  1. Membership of the club shall be open to anyone interested in the sport on application regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion of other beliefs.

  2. Equality of opportunity will be promoted amongst the membership of The Club regardless of sex, religion, political opinion, race, age, sexual orientation or disability.

  3. Classes of membership shall be:
    1. Ordinary Full Playing Member
    2. Ordinary Full Non Playing Member
    3. Ordinary Senior Member
    4. Ordinary Junior Playing Member
    5. Juvenile Playing Member
    6. Full Life Member
    7. Associate Member
    8. Honorary Member
    9. Family Member
    10. Temporary Member
    11. Associate Life member

  4. Members Definitions
    • Members (a & b) are entitled to all the privileges and use of all facilities provided by The Club, including full voting rights.

    • Members (c) are ordinary members who have reached the normal retirement age. They shall continue to be entitled to all the privileges and use of all facilities provided by The Club, including full voting rights.

    • Members (d) shall be those under 21 years of age, whose 21st birthday falls within the financial year (August1 – July 3) or who are in full time education. They shall have full voting rights.

    • Members (e) shall be those under 18 years of age or whose birthday falls within the financial year (August 1- July 3). They shall have no voting rights.

    • Members (f) shall be those members who have paid the relevant life subscription in full. They are entitled to all the privileges and use of all facilities provided by The Club, including full voting rights.

    • Members (g) shall be members who support the objectives of The Club and are engaged in the activities approved of at a General Meeting of any kind. They shall be entitled to the use of such facilities deemed appropriate by the General Committee, but shall have no say in the management of The Club, nor hold any voting rights.

    • Members (h) may be elected from time to time at the discretion of the General Committee. Such members will have given outstanding service to Rugby Union or to The Club. Persons so elected shall be subject to all the rules of The Club and entitled to all the privileges and facilities of The Club, including full voting rights.

    • Members (i) are members of a recognised family the principle member of which must be eligible for election as an ordinary member of The Club and will be regarded as such within the rules of The Club. Children in a family membership must be 16 or below.

    • Members (j) shall be an individual who is temporarily resident in Northern Ireland and introduced to The Club by an Ordinary, Life or senior member. They are admitted at the discretion of the General Committee and their period of membership must not exceed 6 months. They shall have no say in the management of The Club, nor any voting rights.

    • Members (k) refers solely and exclusively to those lady members who purchased lady life membership prior to the 2003 AGM. They shall have no say in the management of The Club or any voting rights. This class of membership is no longer available and can be upgraded to full Life Member by payment of the difference between the sum paid and the current life member subscription rate.

  5. All annual membership rates will be prominently and permanently displayed for all on the club notice board. ii) An up to date list of all members will be prominently and permanently displayed for all on the club notice board.

  6. Applicants for membership must be proposed and seconded by ordinary members of The Club, one of which must be an officer of The Club. Any such application must be submitted on an official application form via The Honorary Secretary of The Club, containing the signatures of applicant and their address, signature of proposer and seconder and relevant subscription which will be returned if application is unsuccessful. The Honorary Secretary must display the form on the club notice board for at least 14 days. After that period the Honorary Secretary shall place the nomination before the General Committee. At least 14 days must elapse between nomination and election of any member.

  7. Election of membership is by simple majority vote of the committee.

  8. The total number of non voting members will never exceed 33% of total membership.

  9. Any members other than temporary members, elected outside of the process in sub paragraph (vi) above shall not be permitted any of the privileges of membership.

  10. Except as otherwise provided in these rules no person shall be allowed to become an honorary or temporary member of The Club, or be relieved of payment of a subscription appropriate to that person’s membership.
  1. All business affairs of The Club will be managed by the General Committee which will be elected at the AGM for one year by all members present with voting rights.

  2. The General committee shall consist of the President, Senior Vice President, Junior Vice President, Immediate Past President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Club Captain and 9 elected members. In the event of a vacancy the general committee may, at its discretion, co-opt a successor who shall act for the balance or the relevant term. iii) The General Committee will also have the power to co-opt additional members as required whose rights will be similar to the elected members. iv) The quorum for the General Committee will be 6, but must include two from Club President, SVP, JVP, Hon Treasurer, Hon Sec or Past President.

  3. The General Committee will meet on the third Thursday of every month, or any other day deemed suitable provided that the GC meets at least once every calendar month.

  4. The General Committee will have the power to make, implement and enforce such bye laws and regulations consistent with these rules as it may think necessary for the well being of The Club an generally do all things as may from time to time be necessary for the running of The Club. The general Committee will be the sole interpreter of the rules, byelaws and regulations of The Club and will have unlimited authority on every question of order including the power to impose penalties for the infringement of the rules, byelaws and regulations. The General Committee has the power to appoint sub committees and delegate such powers as it considers right to each sub committee.

  5. All acts or things done by General Committee will be valid and binding, unless and until set aside at any class of General Meeting of the Club.

  6. Persons may be invited to become vice presidents from time to time at the discretion of the General Committee. The person so invited will be a prominent public figure or will have rendered special services to The Club, the advancement of rugby union football and will be a full member with voting rights willing to serve as President at some future date. Nominations with a short history of the member will be sent in writing to the Honorary Secretary who will place the name before the General Committee at its next monthly meeting. Persons so elected are subject to the rules and regulations of The Club.

  7. Any sub committee can only be formed by the General Committee and the composition of any such sub committee is subject to the approval of the General Committee. The General will ask convenors of any subcommittee to attend the meetings of the General Committee in an advisory capacity.

  8. The General Committee will appoint a maximum of four of its members to be known as the Emergency Committee to exercise the General Committee powers and to make such decisions for the proper running of The Club as may be necessary, but such decisions of the emergency committee will be operative and effective only until the next meeting of the General Committee.

  9. The Club Coach will be appointed by the General Committee for a mutually agreed period.
  1. The Annual General Meeting of The Club will be held on or before May 31st in each year at a time and place as decided by the General Committee. 15 members will form a quorum. ii) The AGM will be presented with the annual report and financial statement of The Club. Both reports will be circulated to all fully paid up members at least one week prior to the meeting.

  2. The AGM may elect a patron.

  3. The AGM will elect a president. The President will hold office until the following AGM, when he /she can offer himself/herself for re-election. He/she shall not hold this office for more than three consecutive years.

  4. Elect a Senior Vice President. The person elected may hold office until the following AGM when he/she can offer himself/herself for re-election. On the retirement of the President from office, the SVP will assume the office of President. The SVP must indicate his/her agreement to accept office of President in a written statement to the Honorary Secretary at least one month before the advertised date of the AGM.

  5. Elect a Junior Vice President. The person elected may hold office until the following AGM when he/she can offer himself/herself for re-election. On the retirement of the Senior Vice President from office, the JVP will assume the office of JVP. The JVP must indicate his/her agreement to accept office of JVP in a written statement to the Honorary Secretary at least one month before the advertised date of the AGM. The person elected as JVP at an AGM accepts that, in normal circumstances, he/she will accede the positions of SVP and President as stated in Rule 4,iv & v.

  6. Elect a General Committee, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Club Captain and Team Captains.

  7. Appoint Auditors.

  8. Amy member wishing to bring forward at the AGM a motion dealing with the rules or with other business of a special nature must give the Honorary Secretary written notice of the proposal(s) on or before 30th April, and such notice of all proposals will be sent to each member of The Club entitled thereto with the notice conveying the meeting.

  9. 4 weeks notice of the AGM of The Club will be posted on the club notice board and a notice of such meeting will be sent out to each member at least 7 days before the meeting.

  10. In case there is no quorum assembled within half an hour of the time named in the circular, the AGM will stand adjourned until the following week and so on in like manner for each successive week. Notice of such adjournment will be posted on the clubs notice board and all existing officers and arrangements will continue in status quo until a quorum is established. xii) Newly elected officers will take up office on June 1 each year or on the 1st day of the calendar month following the AGM.

  11. The Honorary Secretary will call a special general meeting of The Club in writing to each member at least 7 days before such meeting, if and when so directed by the GC or on receiving a requisition signed by at least 10 full members of The Club, stating the reason for requesting the meeting. Any such meeting will be held within 6 weeks of receipt by the Honorary Secretary of ant such requisition. No other business than that stated in the notice of meeting can be gone into at such a meeting, nor will any resolution be valid unless at least 15 full members are present. No resolution will be passed unless two thirds majority of those present and entitled to vote.

  12. Voting will be by show of hands. Resolutions will be carried by a simple majority except as defined in rule 7(iv) of those members present and entitled to vote. Should a majority members present with voting rights wish any question under discussion be put to a vote by ballot that mode will be adopted. No proxy will be allowed at any meeting.

  13. Any resolution approved according to the rules as laid down herein at any type of General Meeting will come into effect as and from the subsequent General Committee meeting to the General Meeting. The only exception pertains to resolutions concerning subscriptions which will remain in tandem with The Clubs financial year.

  14. Only ordinary members, full life members and honorary members will be entitled to vote at meeting of The Club.

  15. No nomination for any office in The Club will be accepted at the AGM unless it has been made in writing to the Honorary Secretary on or before 30th April immediately preceding the AGM at which the election will take place. All such proposals must be signed by the proposer and the seconder and must contain a written signed agreement by the person proposed that he/she will , if elected, accept and carry out the duties of the office for which he/she has been proposed. The nominee, proposer and seconder must be fully paid up members of The Club.

  16. The General Committee at its next meeting after April 30 must make certain that there are sufficient proposals to fill all offices for the following Year. This committee may, if so desires make and second proposals for any office where proper nominations have not been accepted, provided that each of these is carried by a simple majority of those committee members present. Such proposals must be recorded in the minutes of the General Committee at which they were made. The Honorary Secretary must give details of all proposals received either by members or from the General Committee in the notice conveying the AGM.

  17. In the event of death or late withdrawal by any person nominated for election to office at AGM, unless there are other nominations for each office. The General Committee must meet and bring forward to the AGM proposals to fill the vacancy so created. Such proposals need only be circulated to those members attending the AGM. Nominations for any such vacancy may only be accepted from the meeting provided they are proposed and seconded by fully paid up members.

  18. If at any time The Club in general or in special general meeting and/or the trustees to borrow money, the General Committee will thereupon be empowered to borrow for the purpose of The Club by way of overdraft, loan account or bills from The Clubs Bankers, such amount of monies either at one time or from time to time and give security for such borrowing and the interest thereon by issue of debentures, bills of exchange, promissory notes or other obligations or securities of The Club or by mortgage or charge upon all or any part of the property of The Club and thereupon the trustees will at the discretion of the General Committee make all such dispositions of The Club property or any part thereof and enter in such agreements in relation thereto as the General Committee may deem proper for giving such security.
  1. All business affairs of The Club will be managed by the General Committee which will be elected at the AGM for one year by all members present with voting rights.

  2. The officers of The Club are defined as the President, Senior Vice President, Junior Vice President, Immediate Passed President, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Secretary, Club Captain and members of the General Committee.

  3. The President or his nominated deputy shall preside at all meetings of The Club. In the absence of the President the SVP will preside. In the absence of both the JVP will preside. In the absence of all three a chairperson will be elected by simple majority for the duration of that meeting from those present. For General Committee and sub committee meetings the President is empowered to direct that committee to elect from it’s number a chairperson to preside for the duration of that committee. It is expected that the President will attend all General Committee meetings and in the absence of a chairperson will be expected to preside. On divisions the chairperson of the meeting may vote as a member and also in the case of equality give a casting vote.

  4. The Honorary Secretary will keep a book in which minutes of the proceedings of all special, annual, general and general committee meetings are recorded. He/she will prepare an annual report for approval by the General Committee and consideration by the AGM, said report to be circulated to all members at least 7 days prior to AGM. The Honorary Secretary will carry out general duties as directed by the General Committee for the good working of The Club.

  5. The Honorary Treasurer will keep correct accounts and books showing the financial affairs and the receipts and disbursements of The Club. He/she will prepare an annual report for the approval of the General Committee and considered by the AGM, said report to be circulated to all members at least 7 days prior to AGM. All accounts of The Club must be audited annually by an approved auditor and at any other time as directed by the General Committee. The Honorary Treasurer will carry out general duties as directed by the General Committee for the good working of The Club.

  6. The Honorary Treasurer will be authorised to sue on behalf of The Club when directed by the General Committee to do so and the minutes of the committee at which any such direction be given will, when confirmed be evidence of such authority.
  1. The Club Financial year will end on December 31 in any year.

  2. Subscriptions are due on Aug 1 in any year. Any person not having their subscriptions paid by Sept 30 will be excluded from the privileges of membership and will not represent The Club on any team. Persons having entered into agreement with The Club to pay annual subscriptions by direct debit will be deemed to be paid up members.

  3. Any member elected to membership after Dec 31 in any year will pay 50% of the current subscription for that year.

  4. The membership subscription payable annually by the members will be determined by the AGM or any special general meeting. Ordinary, full and junior playing members will pay a playing surcharge as determined by the General Committee. This may be in addition to the subscription or a match fee or both.

  5. Members not sending in their resignations, in writing to the Honorary Secretary before the July 31st in any year will be considered as members for the current year.

  6. The membership subscription payable by the members will be determined at the AGM.
  1. The Club Financial year will end on December 31 in any year.

  2. The Club will adhere to the child protection regulations currently in force and amended from time to time as dictated by legislation.

  3. The Club rules will be printed in a book and a copy attached to The Club notice board. All members will be supplied with a copy by the Honorary Secretary.

  4. The current bye laws and regulations made by the General Committee will be printed from time to time and posted on The Clubs notice board. iv) Subject hereinafter provided no new rule or alteration to these rules can be made except by a resolution passed by two thirds majority of those present and entitled to vote at an AGM or special general meeting, and no new rule will be made or altered so as to infringe any of the provisions of the Registration of Clubs (Northern Ireland) Order 1996.

  5. The General Committee will have the power to make, alter or amend the rules of The Club in order to comply with the provisions of the Registration of Clubs (Northern Ireland) Order 1987, or any other orders amending the same or any statute without having to call a special general meeting.

  1. The Club Financial year will end on December 31 in any year.

  2. The General Committee has the power to expel from The Club, suspend or otherwise deal with any member or guest who breaks any of the rules of The Club or conducts themselves in a manner which is contrary to the best interest of The Club, and any such member will forfeit all property in The Club.

  3. The General Committee or emergency committee can call on any member for an explanation and may in the meantime suspend any member from any or all privileges of membership.

  4. A member so expelled has the right to appeal to the General Committee provided any such appeal is made in writing to the Honorary Secretary within 21 days of his/her expulsion. In the event of any such appeal, the General Committee must convene within two weeks to hear and consider the appeal, and confirm any decision taken to the appellant in writing within four weeks of the meeting.

  1. Intoxicating liquor may be sold on the premises of the club between the hours as follows: - Monday to Saturday, other than Good Friday and Christmas Day from 11.30am to 11.00pm. Sunday (providing it is not Christmas Day) from 5.00pm to 10.00pm or such other time as may be fixed or varied by a Court of Summary Jurisdiction on the application for renewal of club registration pursuant to article 23 of the Registration of Clubs (Northern Ireland) Order 1987 Good Friday from 5.00pm to 11.00pm Christmas Day from 11.30am to 10.00pm. the general committee shall have power to change these hours from time to time as it deems fit.

  2. All surplus income or profits are to be reinvested in the club. No surpluses or assets will be distributed to members or third parties.

  3. A statement in plain type of the hours during which intoxicating liquor may be supplied on the premises of the club will be exhibited in a conspicuous part of the club premises. iv) No intoxicating liquor will be sold or supplied on the club premises to any person under the age of 18 years.

  4. On the occasions of functions in the club house authorised by the General Committee at least 48 hours notice thereof will be given in writing to the Sub-divisional Commander of the Police Service of Northern Ireland of the district and that approval in writing will have been received from the Sub-Divisional Commander. Intoxicating liquor may be supplied until such time as approved by the Sub-Divisional Commander but on no occasion will such time exceed 01.00am.

  5. No intoxicating liquor will be sold or supplied for consumption outside the club premises to members of the club, except where liquor is supplied in such quantities and during such times, being hours within the permitted hours, and on such days as the Sub Divisional Commander of the PSNI acting for the district in which the premises are situated may authorise in writing. vii) No intoxicating liquor will be supplied to persons, who are not members of the club, for consumption outside the premises of the club.

  6. The clubhouse will close each night at midnight and all members are required to be off the club premises at that time save when a function under rule 7(iv) is taking place, and also save those members who may be assisting in the sale of intoxicating liquor, who will be entitled to remain on the club premises for such period necessary to tidy up the premises only.

  7. No person will, except during the permitted hours, consume any intoxicating liquor on the club premises.

  8. A guest of a member will not be admitted to club premises except in the company of the member and the member will, immediately on the admission of his/her guest to the club premises, enter his/her name and address and the and address of his/her guest in a book which will be kept for that purpose and in which will be entered the date of each visit.

  9. The General Committee will have the power to make bye-laws for the exclusion or limitation of the number of guests on any special occasion and the times on which guests may be introduced to the club premises. xii) The member will be responsible for his/her guest strictly observing rules and will not leave the premises before his/her guest.
  10. A guest of a member will not be supplied with intoxicating liquor in the club premises unless upon the invitation and in the company of the member.
  11. No member will in any circumstances introduce to the club premises as a guest anyone who has been an unsuccessful candidate for membership, or whose membership has been suspended or cancelled or anyone whose reputation or conduct in the opinion of the house committee is or has been objectionable.
  12. The same person, except where that person is a parent, husband, wife or child of members will not be admitted as a guest of a member on no more than 20 days in any period of 12 months.
  13. In the case of a team or other body of persons who are, as members of another club, society or organisation of, or arrangements of any pastime, sport, game recreation on the club premises it will suffice for the secretary or any other officer of the club to enter in the visitors book the name of such club, society or organisation and the number of such visitors at the request and in the presence of any officer of the club.
  14. The management and day to day control of the clubhouse will be in the hands of the house committee to be appointed by the general committee; three members of this committee shall form a quorum.
  15. No intoxicating liquor will be consumed nor permitted to be consumed in any part of the club premises save in the clubhouse provided, nor will any intoxicating liquor will be served in any part of the club premises other than in the clubhouse, except with the prior permission of the house committee. Any bar on the club premises shall be kept closed except during the permitted hours.
  16. No member of any committee and any manager or servant employed in the club will have any personal interest in the supply of intoxicating liquor therein or in profits arising from such supply.
  17. If these rules in any way conflict with the provisions of the Registration of Clubs (N.I) Order 1987 or in any Act or Acts amending the same statute or rules for the time being governing the conduct of clubs in Northern Ireland, then and in every such case the rules shall be read and interpreted in such a manner as to comply with and not be in conflict with such statutes in so far as these rules contravene any of the said statutes such rule or rules will be null and void.
  18. No person shall be paid at the expense of the club any commission, percentage or similar payment on or with reference to purchases of intoxicating liquor by the club.
  19. No person shall directly or indirectly derive any pecuniary benefit from the supply of intoxicating liquor by or on behalf of the club or members or guests apart from any benefit accruing to the club as a whole.

Club Adverts